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Parlamentul religiilor lumii

Parlamentul religiilor lumii, asa cum se numeste una dintre cele mai mari intrunirii interreligioase din lume, va avea o intlnire in melbourne , Australia, in decembrie 2009.

Vor fi prezenti acolo in jur de 10000 de reprezentanti ai  aproape tuturor religiilor lumii, intre acestia fiind crestini, evrei, musulmani, hindusi, etc.

Christian Post  spune ca

“The Parliament event is a place where people come together to encounter ‘the other,’” organizers state in the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions (CPWR) website. “This encounter can lead to a deepening of one’s own sense of religious and spiritual identity and an appreciation for the challenges or difference within one’s own tradition, as well as between and among traditions.”

Intre temele care vot fi discutate, se vor numara

„Emerging topics for the gathering include social cohesion, poverty, the environment, indigenous peoples, and terrorism. Other issues that will be address are indigenous reconciliation, environmental degradation and care, gender issues including sex trafficking, education and the challenge of social disengagement, forced migration, global terrorism, and the role of religion in modern societies.”

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