o interactiune personala si aleatoare cu mediul inconjurator :-)

bine spus 🙂

Alte atacuri sinucigase asupra bisericilor crestine.

„Suicide bombers attacked a Christian community in eastern Pakistan on Sunday, setting off two blasts that killed at least 14 people and wounded dozens more, officials said.

The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the deadly attack and warned of more to come…

The last major attack on Pakistan’s Christian community took place in 2013, when suicide bombers struck a church in the northwestern city of Peshawar, killing more than 80 people.

More recently, a Christian couple were burned to death in November by mob that accused them of blasphemy.

„The Christian community is a soft target for militant outfits in Pakistan,” said Rabia Mehmood, a researcher at the Jinnah Institute, a Pakistani think tank. „But generally Christians and other religious minorities are under a constant threat by the extremist elements in the society and rampant religious intolerance.”

On Sunday, Pope Francis said he learned of the attacks „with pain, with much pain.”

He called for peace in Pakistan and said that persecution of Christians doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

The Pope prayed that „this persecution against Christians, which the world tries to hide, might end, and that there be peace.” http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/15/asia/pakistan-violence/index.html

“He’s a “jolly good fellow” “with whom one can talk easily and openly; one has the impression that he is even capable of listening, which is not always the case with such trumpeters of the gospel.” But then he went to see Graham preach at St. Jacob stadium, and witnessed his influence on the masses. “I was quite horrified. He acted like a madman and what he presented was certainly not the gospel.” “It was the gospel at gun-point….He preached the law, not a message to make one happy. He wanted to terrify people. Threats – they always make an impression. People would much rather be terrified than be pleased. The more one heats up hell for them, the more they come running.” To Barth, it was illegitimate to make the gospel law or “to ‘push’ it like an article for sale… we must leave the good God freedom to do his own work”


How do Americans stand out from the rest of the world?.

US stands out as rich nation highly religious

A fost publicat din nou topul celor mai bine cotate universitati din lume.

Din nou, ca si-n trecut, cateva institutii americane si britanice domina primele zece locuri.

Catvea institutii canadiene in primele 40.

Nu gasesc inca nici una din Romania in primele 100.


Romania Evanghelica


În fiecare duminică seara, de 80 de săptămîni, aştept cu nerăbdare să citesc ce scrie Viorel Paşca pe Facebook despre Dumbrava. Uneori cu lacrimi. De fiecare dată îmi vine să pun mîna pe telefon şi să-l sun, să-l întreb ce mai face.

De fiecare dată mă abțin, gîndindu-mă că e un om extrem de ocupat. Nu doar cu viii, ci și cu morții. În 9 ani la Dumbrava au fost găzduiți 700 de oameni ai străzii, dintre care 250 au murit. Și cineva a trebuit să-i îngroape, nu?

Viorel Pașca e unul dintre cei trei oameni cărora le-aș pupa mîna, în public, oricînd.

I-aș pupa mîna mamei mele, care m-a crescut și m-a alintat, care m-a ajutat să mă maturizez și care mă ia la rost și acum cînd observă niște cuvinte (cu care eu violentez urechile pocăiților, să se mai trezească) care nu au de a face cu…

Vezi articolul original 1.138 de cuvinte mai mult

Esti pilot al timpului

Citita astazi undeva pe web… parafrazez:

Vestea rea este ca timpul zboara. Vestea buna este ca tu esti pilotul!

Citesc de cateva zile pareri pro sau contra despre acest subiect.

Unii vad lucrurile roz, altii ca o intoarcere in Evul Mediu.

Optiunea de a avea acces la un timp in care cei care doresc pot fi instruiti in invataturile unei religii/confesiuni mi se pare un castig.

De la vremea comunista, cand o astfel de posibilitatea era interzisa, ba chiar pedepsita, pana la situatia de astazi cand ai libertatea de a alege, mi se pare o cale lunga. Bineinteles, libertatea de a alege nu este totdeauna folosita cum trebuie.

Procentul mare cu care romanii se pare ca sustin necesitatea unei astfel de ore de religie poate fi imbucurator: nu suntem asa de secularizati ca alte natiuni. Undeva, intr-un cotlon al sufletului mai exista o nazuinta spre sacru, chiar si atunci cand este manifestata prin superstitie.

Pe de alta parte, tocmai acest procent mare poate sublinia o alta problema. Copilul nu mai are in familie un context in care este invatat ceea ce este specific credintei lui. Familia si-a abandonat rolul. Parintii vor sa-si linisteasca cugetul delegand responsabilitatea lor scolii.

Ora de religie poate fi o binecuvantare sau o alta povara . Un prilej de indoctrinare sau o oportunitate de slujire pe care biserica o are in cetate.

Hyeon Soo Lim este retinut in Coreea de Nord. Pastorul vizita Coreea in mod regulat pentru a face acte caritabile .

Biserica din care acesta face parte indeamna la rugaciune pentru eliberarea acestuia

Rev. Heon Soo Lim, the Toronto-area pastor presumed missing in North Korea after he failed to return from a humanitarian trip.

On the last Sunday in January, Reverend Hyeon Soo Lim’s sermon was about overcoming evil and feeding your enemies and blessing your persecutors. A few days later he left Toronto for China, where he was to cross into North Korea for one of his routine humanitarian missions.

It was supposed to be a short visit. He wanted to check up on a school, a nursing home and an orphanage that he supports. But on Feb. 4, Rev. Lim didn’t make contact with an aid worker in China as planned. Now, after more than a month of silence, the preacher’s church has asked the Canadian Foreign Affairs department to help find him. But as an official noted in a statement Tuesday, Canada has no one there to start looking.

When the 60-year-old pastor didn’t re-emerge on schedule in early February, his parishioners in Mississauga, Ont., were more confused than worried. The trip was one of more than 100 he has made to the hermit kingdom since the 1990s — all of which have been approved by North Korean authorities, a church spokesperson said.”